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256 pages

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The Lifetime Guest Plan (LGP) was developed by Brian Kelly in 2013 and released as The Kelly Plan. Brian examined the gang of eight plan, existing law, and other notions about how to solve the nation’s problem with illegal residents. He found none addressed all of the issues that having 20 million to 60 million illegal foreign nationals in residence brought to America. 

He read the gang of eight plan in 2013, and noticed that it smelled a lot like it was purposely designed to kill America. No jobs would be left for Americans; newly unemployed Americans would have to pay for newly minted citizens; voting in national elections was not ruled out; 33 million more foreign nationals would be invited in; It would cost over $6 trillion. It was a terrible deal for the country. 

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330 pages

Brian Kelly’s 59th Book

Brian Kelly is one of the top published conservative authors in the United States with 59 books to his credit. This book is his 59th and he has a 60th on the way! He wrote the highly revised edition of this book because things have changed substantially from five years ago, when he first noticed the predatory nature of the Environmental Protection Agency.  Kelly asks the rhetorical question, "Should we turn our power main off all the time to please the EPA?" as his first volley against the EPA. He then goes on to tell Americans what we all need to know to shut down these job preventers. 

In the 1960’s people in Los Angeles could not breathe. America was becoming affluent and for the first time many families had two cars or more. Gas was less than 20 cents a gallon. Nobody seemed to care if the smoke out of the back of the car was white, clear, or black. You couldn't see across the street some days.

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326 Pages

List Price: $19.95

Great Patriotic Book!

Contains all the ingredients to rebuild our country and our economy!

Unlike former presidential candidate Herman Cain's "999" plan, "RRR" focuses on many more areas that need to be addressed for US to turn our economy around and stimulate job creation. Cain's plan was and still is very good but it addresses only the tax structure, and we have more problems than how we are taxed.

Yet, we must change the tax structure to begin to solve our economic woes. The RRR plan, which takes the Cain plan and extends it to help all aspects of America, also addresses taxes. But, it reaches into many other critical areas that are impeding economic growth. These include regulations, immigration, and spending


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682 Pages

List Price: $24.95


Great Patriotic Book! Brian Kelly's First Patriotic Book -- second edition!

This is a big book...but it is just as easy to read and just as insightful as it is big. It is the perfect cocktail book. While your friends and neighbors are reading about some love tryst they found at the discount reader section, you can be reading about America, and how to make America better.

It is true that the book you are are about to read is huge in size and it will impress your neighbors into understanding that their little tryst with their cheap tryst will not help America at all. They will know that you are learning about things that they right now do not understand, and they wish they could understand them. You can take your time to digest all of the cogent passages in this book and you will be the wiser, while your neighbors will know that when the country really goes to hell, you may agree to be one of their paid advisers.


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462 Pages

List Price: $19.95

Great Patriotic Book!

462 pages ...

Author Brian Kelly is pleased that you have selected this book to join him on this journey to preserve American freedom. In the eyes of Americans across the country, from the blue of the mid-Atlantic to the red of the heartland, Barack Obama has been and continues to fail. While the President plays golf, and takes lavish vacations, Americans are out of works and their children cannot find jobs..

Each passing day, the President's poll numbers go down because, said most simply, the man just doesn't get it. He likely never will.