

The other thing you learn from looking at the front cover of the book is that this contains the entire text of the Declaration of Independence, a not too shabby document, as well as all the Constitutional Amendments up to and including the most current. In this book, you will learn what the most current amendment is and which amendments were rejected by the people.

In the interest of space, the cover does not tell you that there are even lots more goodies. For example it does not tell you that besides the entire Bill of Rights; and the Amendments Not Ratified, the full Constitution of the USA is included. Moreover, this book takes you into the writings of the patriots and it explains why they risked their lives and fought the Revolution.

Today more than ever with our chief executive ignoring the Constitution and executing the office in lawless fashion, Americans need to know their rights and protections built into the basic framework of our government.

Author Brian Kelly offers these additional thoughts on why Americans need this book:

A workable democracy demands an informed electorate. More and more Americans are concerned about what they hear about a culture of lawlessness that is spreading across the nation, including the federal government.

Most Americans do not want to admit to not knowing what they need to know. Yet, unless we really try, we will be unknowing about our most fundamental rights as found in the Constitution. This book helps all of us get on an even keel and in fact take a leap ahead of the corrupt politicians who run our country. This book gives all Americans the edge. To get its takeaway value, however, you have to read it.